
Celebrating World Environment Day

Posted by on 28 May 2015 | Comments

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Friday June 5th marks World Environment Daythe United Nations’ main event for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment. This year's theme is "Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.", highlighting that the well-being of mankind, the environment, and the functioning economy, ultimately depend on the responsible management of the planet's natural resources. 

Evidence is building that we are consuming our planet's natural resources at an alarming and unsustainable rate. By 2050, if current consumption and production patterns remain the same and with a rising population expected to reach 9.6 billion, we will need three planets to sustain our ways of living and consumption. As a powerful platform for global outreach, World Environment Day serves as the "people's day" for doing something positive for the environment, aiming to unite individuals into a greater community capable of inciting positive change and generating an exponential positive impact on our planet. 

When individuals make small, positive changes to their lifestyles and talk about it to inspire their peers, a community is created whose collective effort has the potential to make a significant difference. Everyone can make small changes that, collectively, can become great changes; think about riding a bike to work, eating a vegetarian meal once a week, going paperless, opting for reusable bottles and coffee cups, and choosing an ECO certified operator for your next holiday. World Environment Day is your day to do something positive for the environment!

Ecotourism Australia's certified operators are continuously working to make positive changes. Their tourism products operate with minimal impact on the environment, they contribute to conservation and the protection of our natural assets, and they inspire and educate their guests on the importance of positive change and environmental responsibility. 

We would love to hear about the positive changes our readers are making to their lifestyles to support our environment, if you have a story to share, please email us or share directly to our Facebook! 

See more on the UNEP World Environment Day website.

Our Operations Manager, Emily, is participating in WWF's Wild Onesie Week from Monday 1st of June to Friday 5th - World Environment Day. The week's purpose is to raise funds for conservation projects to help protect our endangered species, like turtles, tigers, pandas and rock-wallabies. Follow or support her cause here.



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